Chicken Wings

Chicken Wings

A favorite crowd pleaser!
$11.00 /lb.
Avg. 1.5 lb.
  • 8 wings in each package
  • Use your favorite seasonings and method of cooking.
  • Great for frying, baking, grilling, or broiling.
  • Mouth watering, finger linckin', nutritious and delicious!


We know that happy meat birds raised on pasture offer healthy, nutrient dense meat that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, anti-inflammatory properties, collagen, vit E, and so forth...

But what sets Crane Dance chickens apart, on top of all that??

As "pasture-raised" can mean a variety of different things, on our farm it means:

  • first and foremost HUMANE ♡.  We care about every one of our animals.      
  • our birds are actively running and jumping around in the sunshine and fresh open air, foraging freely on insects, worms, grasses and seeds. Most chicken raised on pasture are confined in a portable, bottomless shelter that gets moved by hand or tractor to new pasture, but they aren't able to leave the shelter to roam free or be exposed to fresh air and sunshine.             
  • we formulate and grind our own non-GMO feed containing grains, seeds, probiotics, and minerals so we know just what is in it and what is not.
  • our birds get to decide if they want to be in the shade or sun, chase an insect, or eat their grain or grit. They have space to roam and "decide" as they wish.  The energy of freedom cannot be underestimated as it translates to quality of life and therefore the quality of nutrition in the meat that is passed on.  NUTRITION = FLAVOR    
  • we focus on their strong bone growth even before meat growth so they can naturally handle the weight they put on. 
  • from the very beginning, we add probiotics to their water and feed, in addition to the dense micronutrients in grasses and forage. We are not worried about flu viruses.                     
  • regenerative farming practices automatically super-charge the soil with nutrients an animal's immune system needs to thrive.  
  • Animal health as well as ours comes from THE SOIL!